These days, everyone seems to be joined at the hip to their smartphone. They have become so integral to our daily lives that going without for a time seems almost like losing a limb.

They are such a powerful tool, however, that it is nearly impossible for any one person to use them to their full potential. As a result, the way people utilize their smartphones has become quite personal.

We find it fascinating to learn how different people use their phones on a daily basis. Seeing another’s home screen is both an interesting glimpse into their daily life and a chance to streamline your own. Recently, the staff at 37 Signals decided to share all of their home screens, and we liked the idea so much we decided to do it ourselves. So without further ado, here are the smartphone home screens of the staff here at Media Proper:

Larry Morroni


Charlie Dwyer

Project Manager

Jeff Watson

Lead Developer

Marc Oldham

Creative Director

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